Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00
Independent Agency

Next Level Insurance is an independent insurance agency.

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Next Level Insurance is an independent insurance agency.

Insurance is a complicated purchase. You’re not just buying bread or milk – you are purchasing protection that could potentially make or break your financial well-being! How do I know which coverage options will work best for me? Is there an easy way to compare prices and get what’s right at the least cost possible in my state?”
With questions like these running through most minds an independent insurance agency like ours like make the process simpler and provide you with more options to choose from. Read on to find the benefits of working with us.

17 years in business
100% customer satisfaction
3 knowledgeable advisors
60+ coverage options

We work with multiple insurance companies

One of the benefits of working with an independent agent is that we can work with many different insurance companies. Independent Insurance Agents on average represent five to eight different insurance companies which means you have more options when it comes to your coverage. We should be able to find you a better value for your dollar than if you were on your own. We do the shopping. You do the saving. We can help find you the right blend of price, coverage, and service.

We are licensed professionals

You need a professional with expertise. A trusted advisor. Insurance can be complicated, but not for an expert. Our advisors are those who have the credentials to assess your insurance needs and those who have a track record of providing customers with the best deals on coverage they need. Think about it. You wouldn't research your will on the Internet- you'd go to a lawyer for advice about drawing up the document correctly. And if you're looking for home, auto, or business protection-you wont ignore the advice of a trusted advisor with specialised knowledge.

We work for you and will be your advocate

If you have a claim concern, or need to modify your coverage, your agent can be your advocate, working with the insurance company on your behalf. Our team takes care of all the issues that can possibly come up and based on our years of experience we can be a strong advocate to work on your behalf. The key is to find the right agent—one who understands your needs and knows how to work with the insurance company.

We offer a wide variety of insurance solutions

Your insurance needs are unique. Your insurance coverage should be too. We'll find the best insurance solutions to fit your needs by providing a wide variety of coverage options (Since we work with multiple insurance companies). We understand that one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work when it comes to insurance.

We are your neighborhood friend

An independent agent is your neighborhood friend. We share the same interests as you, live near by and understand what it's like to be an active member in their community- where we are often involved with many different organizations such as sponsorship for sports teams or buying from local businesses.

We are your lifelong consultants

To help you maintain stability, we periodically review your coverage. We are there to make sure that all of the changes in life don’t leave any gaps or vulnerabilities exposed for potential risks to occur without proper protection
-from renting an apartment; buying a home; starting up business at 50+ years old when retirement isn't on our radar yet (or ever); getting married - these things happen! And if they do then it's time we get some new insurance solutions tailored around what might come next and we can help you in that.

We are Here to Help

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